Before you read what I write. Read who I am.

Originally from Alberta and in the last number of years having been living in Vancouver, British Columbia. We are now living in Woolwich, London where we inhabit a wonderful little 2 floor flat in the Royal Arsenal. The family has grown over the years from being just my wife and I to the family of four we are now. My work has brought us to London for the next two years where for the first time in ages we will live in the same house for more than a birthday. The experience is written below from then till now. With a view of the Thames from our windows and boat ride to work the new life begins.

21 Oct 2006

groggy fog

I've found life has gotten away from me lately. I'm really trying to catch up .

18 Oct 2006

quibble quabble

Office politics man. It's almost impossible to stay out of them and when you do you seem like you are either NOT a team player or that you don't care about the issue.

I for one am new in my job and don't want to get involved in the "that user is a fuckin moron and I am going to give them the slowest service ever" action. I want to form my own opinions and until then AND even after then I still hope to give the same service to everyone. I know I will have favorites and they will get the instant help that others will have to wait for but that's hard to avoid. I do however hope that I will never deem someone not worthy of "speedy service" just because our personalities do not mesh.

That said, lets get on to the homw life. S man is really picking up the developmental pace around here. He's learning more and more words and getting more and more independant. His wanting to do his own things is at odds with what we need at times but Kate and I are learning to cope and to work around it quite well I think.

I started out at the gym this monday and am going again today. I'm working on 3 days a week for now and maybe I will change that soon or not so soon. I found myself to be the fattest I have ever been in my entire life the other day, and although that is not the reason I have started going to the gym (this was decided a few weeks ago) it is a great motivator.

Kate will start going with her friend next week to a twice weekly step class. It makes me very happy to have us both finally up off our asses and doing something about our poor health. Well not really poor but not good. We've started eating better and better and I haven't seen hide nor hair of meat for a while. We are about to start getting all our groceries delivered once a week and everything they have is organic! We are looking forward to it.

On top of that Kate has been doing an amazing job on her current project, getting a meal plan together that looks after our daily needs as well as portion controls us while giving us all we could hope for. It's very well rounded and quite well thought out and I am confident that with the correct foods coming in to meet a tasty and health meal plan we should be quite happy eaters very soon. To top it off we have cut down on the amounts of processed foods we eat by at least %80 and it feels really good. I've found I have less desire for them and I am making alternative ( *right* ) choices instead of packaged ones. (bagel instead of chips) It's odd but actually caring about my body is kinda fun. Wish I'd realized it oh say..... 15 years ago?

Right well time to do dishes then it's off to day two at the gym. I wish us all luck.

8 Oct 2006


I think I need to start talking to someone about anger.

4 Oct 2006

Coke gives me wood!


I have no idea what the fuck this is but it floated in to my mouth while I had my morning fruit loops and coke breakfast yesterday. Coke says there is no way for anything to get in to their cans and wondered if I bealched then found this in my mouth.

The answer is no.

I don't know if it came from in the drink or on it or what but I didn't see it when I opened the can and I hope that I didn't have any mysterious pieces of wood on my face at the time since I just got off the train and all. So how did it arrive at my lips? Good question.

Coke says the can probably recieved a pin hole sized puncture during one of the shipping moves or distribution and that hole was instantly sealed with what is called secondary corrosion (anyone remember the tooth in coke experiment?) and the hole was sealed with sugars attacking the foreign matter entering the sweet sweet blackness that dwells within. When this happened MOLD was created and it grew between the time ( 6:51pm on July 1st on the #3 production line) the can was created and the time I drank it (7:15am on Oct 2nd at my desk).

So mmmmmmmmm boy. either way coke is now sending me a coupon for some free coke so I can have this experience alllllllll over again. yay! I'm off coke for now, I know the sweet nectar will draw me back at the first chance it gets but for now..... EVIL@!#$$%!! (why is evil a hyperlink? and where is it going? seriously. I didn't do that.)

Coca-Cola Classic now with wood mold flavour for your mouth.

oh yeah. And three out of three techies agree that this shit looks like wood, feels like wood and well... we only have two things but it's wood.

3 Oct 2006


I went through a long weekend. It wasn't long in the sense that there was a holiday up in it but long in the sense that I drove for 24hours out of the last 72. We went out to Calgary to see Kates Oma and S's Oma D as it were. She's a very wonderful woman from Nova Scotia. She's dutch and has one heck of an accent mit a great sense of humour. We visited for a day with them and had a wonderful time. S really enjoyed it too.

We also stayed with our friends Rob n Nickie and their little boy Taryn. They are such nice people and love to talk and talk and talk and talk and.... well it was SO nice of them to let us stay with them for those two nights and we really hope to see them again soon. Such nice people. The type we wish we knew here in Van.

So Corey also came with us on the trip. She ran in the Cancer run in calgary or walked? Either way she did it with her mom and had a good time. It rained and then rained a little harder and then poured down while they did it but they still went the 5km. So good for them, raising money for breast cancer and all.

Nigel. well, nigel has been going through "the rough times" and apparently got drunk and trashed his house. Avoiding his large tv which is good but proves that the rage had control and thusly was done more for the show of it rather than the emotional outburst. He also kicked in the side of his car when he lost some money running for elton john or something. All in all I think the guy needs some counselling and to at least just sit and talk openly with someone who is not going to try to give a solution. I hope he gets some help, or finds what he needs. He and I know that he needs to leave Calgary. That place is just such a shit hole for people who are not super rich. We'll see what happens. As my friend sean says. The only thing you ever bring with you is you. it's true.

I went through the orientation process at work on monday. Got to see how they grew, all the companies they've taken over and where they are going with their 3.1billion in revenues. They could give it up to me. I'll hang on to it for them.... put it under the matress or something.....