Before you read what I write. Read who I am.

Originally from Alberta and in the last number of years having been living in Vancouver, British Columbia. We are now living in Woolwich, London where we inhabit a wonderful little 2 floor flat in the Royal Arsenal. The family has grown over the years from being just my wife and I to the family of four we are now. My work has brought us to London for the next two years where for the first time in ages we will live in the same house for more than a birthday. The experience is written below from then till now. With a view of the Thames from our windows and boat ride to work the new life begins.

7 Jul 2009

They make science fun!

I stumbled from reading an article about a Soviet attempt to land on the moon in 1969 and listening to the faded sound of men exploring the galaxy when I ended up at...

Just like my 4 year old they have an answer for everything.

Find out how much daytime is on your birthday or build a mouth! There are quite a few entertaining sections, some fun activities and even the ever popular test sections.

They led me back to the University of Manchester's astronomy sections where there is an interesting article from April 2007 (Just catchin' up on my readin') about Star Wars as seen by the hubble telescope. They have an artist's rendition of how this Red Giant feeding to the White Dwarf star (Which Just exploded!) would look. NowI was impressed; don't get me wrong. But. Something was nagging at me about this image, like I'd seen it before. Maybe I already read this? Nope.

It was on Star Trek.
Remember this episode? Where Wesley Crusher passes out and let loose a horde of super intelligent Nanites? And the Enterprise is sent drifting in to the path of that stellar matter! AND Dr Bob Kelso flat out phaserz the computer core?!?


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