Before you read what I write. Read who I am.

Originally from Alberta and in the last number of years having been living in Vancouver, British Columbia. We are now living in Woolwich, London where we inhabit a wonderful little 2 floor flat in the Royal Arsenal. The family has grown over the years from being just my wife and I to the family of four we are now. My work has brought us to London for the next two years where for the first time in ages we will live in the same house for more than a birthday. The experience is written below from then till now. With a view of the Thames from our windows and boat ride to work the new life begins.

27 Mar 2009

Warm it up Chris

Here's all the news that's news and new and improved.....

We've moved~! I took a lot to get the job done, we packed and were ready on time, cleaned and painted on time and on the truck and over within budget. Then, when the guy came home an hour late to the new house he opened the door and we found he had moved.... his TV. And only his TV.

I'm serious here, there was all the stuff this guy owns - exactly where it was 3 weeks ago when we viewed the place - dirt and pots'n'pans in the same places. So he starts looking for some boxes. We leave, sleep on the floor at the old house and then head back for 11am Sunday when - he says - he'll be completely moved out as he's going to go all night. So while I ring the bell, call and bang on the door to WAKE HIM UP!! I'm thinking this is going to be a total cluster fuck, again.

He gets up, starts packing his shit - yup, the guy dosed and hit the hay for an hours nap on Saturday night and I woke him up on Sunday. He was finally out by 6pm on Sunday, well he was out on the deck.... all his stuff was on the deck and he moved till about 2am on Monday morning. Then it took till today, 27 days later, to get the last of it.

So we got in to the house and started cleaning, and getting our stuff out. Cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and then we had to gut and reno the entire bathroom. So the bathroom reno goes on for about 4 days with the contractor not showing up for two, on the last day I watch him put together the vanity we've picked out from IKEA - y'know, the place that gives you all the parts, pieces, pre drills and gives you instructions.... well I watch him whip out the drill and drill bit and start putting in holes to "make the damn thing fit together".

Anyway, we are now doing the walls and backsplash ourselves, but have a great bathroom in the make.
We went and did our taxes with H&R block last saturday and got a load back, so I went out and bought a scooter. It's a great ride, good power and colour. Nice options including an alarm, remote starter, radio and mp3 player hookup. It's great. So Caio, when you get back to this country we'll have to hook up and form a scooter gang.

Tomorrow is Sebastian's fourth birthday party, today is his birthday. We have a bug themed party coming and lots of guests around for the day. It's going to be a great time and a fun birthday for the kids.

Rigby is the cutest thing ever, and we just put her in to her own single bed. No more crib! So she's feeling happy and free and Sebastian is still king of the room up in his loft.

Kate is cleaning her office up from all the construction junk and various weirdness that got shoved in her room during it. It's nice that we have the space for just adults and all our things. It's mostly for Kate as I have nothing in it and even sacrificed my desk for the coolest furniture arrangement but it's still super awesome in there.

Well, that's what is happening round here - other than work, which is just work now that the sport events are over for the year.

Till next time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a hectic life you have. You should turn it into a soap opera. Keep it coming.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin