Before you read what I write. Read who I am.

Originally from Alberta and in the last number of years having been living in Vancouver, British Columbia. We are now living in Woolwich, London where we inhabit a wonderful little 2 floor flat in the Royal Arsenal. The family has grown over the years from being just my wife and I to the family of four we are now. My work has brought us to London for the next two years where for the first time in ages we will live in the same house for more than a birthday. The experience is written below from then till now. With a view of the Thames from our windows and boat ride to work the new life begins.

8 Jul 2007

Holy crap what a week.

So I was on call all last week and my Audio server at work was super unstable and useless. It kept on crashing and I had to be there to support it. Which meant that I was there most nights till 1am or so. Plus there was the emergency pager which kept on ringing getting me to do work for both studios at all hours. Talk about suck city.

So currently my almost dead blackberry is off and in the bottom of the fruit bowl. I have not signed in to work and they don't have access to my cell number. So I have been free to enjoy the weekend.

Speaking of the weekend... I played with Sebastian all day yesterday while Kate went to her Dad's and did laundry while he is away. Then after naps and lunch we went out to Kristi, Jeff and Imani's House to have dinner and play. It was great, I miss those guys. We have not seen enough of them lately for sure.

Sebastian went to sleep in 15mins for his nap and maybe 20 for Sleep last night so that was sweet.... no long drawn out battles or anything.

Today, Kate is doing more laundry plus going shopping for groceries so I think that I am on Sebastian duty again. Which is cool.

Loads of work to do tomorrow morning when I get in and I have a test server environment ready to go for configuration as well.

Tomorrow is also my 30th Birthday. Kate's Mom and Dad got me 2 Tickets to Folk Fest!!!!! yayayaayayaa!!!! OH and my Apple Server test is tomorrow morning.

So I should probably hit the work with Sebastian and get my book because I should have/be studying for that.

gah... I never get away.

Also I am cooking something up because I am nearing my 100th Post.

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